Worker Hashrate Monitoring

Visit the navigation bar at the top of the website and click on Worker to enter the worker management page.

In the worker management page, you can view the hashrate of all the workers under your current mining account.

Explanations to Terms Displayed on this Page:

  • All: All workers under your current mining account.

  • Online Workers: Properly functioning workers under your current mining account.

  • Offline Workers: Workers fail to submit shares within an hour under your current mining account.

  • Worker Name: The host name configured by the mining program,If it is not configured as the same host name, the data of multiple workers will be combined for statistics.

  • Hashrate/15min: The average hashrate in the last 15 minutes. Some big flunctuations may occur if workers are running less than 15 minutes.

  • Hashrate/24h: The average hashrate in the last 24 hours. Some big flunctuations may occur if workers are running less than 24 hours

  • Export: Export worker running status locally as needed.

  • Group: The group of current workers. For more details, please refer to Worker Group

    ZKRush uses p/s as the computing power unit when calculating aleo computing power, that is, the number of hashes per second; if you need the data per minute, please multiply the result by 60
